The Independent Baptist Fellowship is first and foremost exactly as the name denotes, a fellowship of Independent Baptists. Therefore, the Independent Baptist Fellowship has a threefold purpose:

WE EXIST TO PROMOTE fellowship among Independent Fundamental Baptists throughout our nation and abroad.
( I Jn. 1:3,7; I Thess.5:11; Amos 3:3; Psa. 55:14)

WE EXIST TO ENCOURAGE Christians in small ministries as well as large, to take a stand for the cause of Christ. This includes separating from worldliness, liberalism and ecumenicism.
( II Cor. 6:14-18; Rom. 16:17; II Thess. 3:6,14; II Tim. 3:5; II Jn.10-11)

WE EXIST TO PREACH the fundamental doctrines of the faith and encourage soul winning and discipleship.
( Matt. 28:18-20; Mk. 16:15)

It goes without saying that the passing years have become a time of testing for the saints of God. At times like these, it is good to know that the unchanging Word of God is our anchor in the midst of every storm.
Jump over to our Facebook page where you can hear messages of hope that we pray will encourage your heart and strengthen your resolve to fight the good fight of faith.
Dr. James Earls is the founding pastor and current Pastor Emeritus of Emmaus Road Baptist Church in Chesapeake, VA. At a time when African-Americans were separated from the fundamental truths of God's Word, steeped instead in traditionalism, the Lord impressed upon the heart of a young preacher to blaze a trail for his "kinsmen according to the flesh." With a fire in his spirit and a zeal to see a clear cut picture of the gospel shared with all people, regardless of race, Dr. Earls began a journey unlike any other. The Independent Baptist Fellowship is the end-product of the legacy journey that started some 60 years ago. Thousands have come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ because one man followed in obedience where the Lord led.

To all of those who rallied around the financial need for this great servant of God during the GoFundMe campaign...THANK YOU!!
Do not hesitate to contact the IBF if you would like to give towards this need.